message rings
I have always been fascinated by poison rings. Obviously, I’m not interest by the poison idea but by the hidden place.
Lately,I needed benevolence and positive thoughts to fight pettiness and gloom. So I use my rings to hide positive messages.
You choose a positive message that will guide your day and you wear it well hidden in the heart of your ring.
To discover the one I chose to wear today, just watch the video.
Solange Corno · November 19 2017 at 23:56
J’ai attendu avec impatience tes bijoux twist et là tu arrive encore à me faire rêver devant ces bagues justes incroyablement fantastiques ….
Tu as un talent de dingue !!! Je suis bluffée à chaque fois !! 🙂
BRAVO Olga !! 🙂 <3 <3 <3
Olga Nicolas · November 20 2017 at 07:26
Merci Ma p’tite dame! Ton message est vraiment adorable et me touche beaucoup! Bisous
Donna · November 18 2017 at 11:18
Olga, this ring design is just incredible! I am truly fascinated by its design. You continue to surprise me. Will you be sharing this magic ring with the rest of us mere mortals? <3
Olga Nicolas · November 19 2017 at 09:46
Dear Donna, Thank you for your kind words! I will certainly publish a class about theses rings. I don’t know when….
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