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boucles d'oreilles réversibles

Polymania 2019

I’m very honoured to teach these new   earrings in Bristol next march with 2 very talented artists: Sylvie Peraud and Debbie Crothers. Thank you so much Cara Jane for the opportunity.  More information here : Polymania. I like to create reversible jewellery that can be adapted to the outfits I wear. What is quite simple to achieve for a necklace is more difficult for earrings. So I looked for a simple way to create these reversible earrings. This one-day project is very complete. You will discover and experiment 2 colored and playful surface treatments where inks, Read more…

polymer clay workshop Olga Nicolas


It’s been almost two years since Sylvie and I developed this system of connections. The connectors are the element that has evolved the most on this project. What was initially a “link” has become for us an important visual element. The connectors that I propose for the necklace during the workshop are simpler but once the system and the construction are understood, the possibilities to personalize your work is infinite.   The next “Elegant Connections” workshop will take place on 29 and 30 September in Nîmes (FRANCE). It is organized by l’atelier des Cévennes en Read more…

pebbles necklaces

I love the reversible jewels : my first reversible jewel   was a  bracelet. It was in 2007 : The pebbles also come back often in my creations. These necklaces are reversible and really comfortable to wear. They are adjustable in length and can be adapted to all morphologies.


It’s been a few weeks since I finished this necklace but I did not take the time to take pictures. (In fact I always push back because I’m never satisfied, so it takes me hours!) This is an evolution of the collaborative project with Sylvie Peraud: Elegant connections that we teach this year in different places and especially in 15 days in FRANCE ( Normandie). (see : Next Workshops)

Articulated bracelet tutorial

The English version of the articulated bracelet tutorial is now available on my website. It‘s a very complete class that includes many videos, photos as well as written and oral explanations. The video lasts approximately 40 minutes and the accompanying PDF includes 70 pages. I explain, step by step, the making of an articulated bracelet but I also give a lot of information on Brushos and several ways to use them on polymer clay. The class ends with a part I called “don’t panic” and gives tips to overcome some of the difficulties you may encounter. This Read more…

stage pâte polymère

message rings

I have always been fascinated by poison rings. Obviously, I’m not interest by the poison idea but by the hidden place. Lately,I needed benevolence and positive thoughts to fight pettiness and gloom. So I use my rings to hide positive messages. You choose a positive message that will guide your day and you wear it well hidden in the heart of your ring. To discover the one I chose to wear today, just watch the video.

bijoux modulables

Twist Necklaces

I’m preparing the workshop which will take place this weekend. This will be the first time I will teach Twist jewelry (based on the use of threaded rods in polymer clay). I look forward! I will also teach this workshop in January in Vendée in French and in February in Belgium (in English).

tutoriels pâte polymère

My classes on my website

I was fortunate to be part of the teachers’ team of the site CraftArtEdu. I will miss a lot this site and the team that run it. Despite my sadness, there is no way I can stop this kind of teaching. I also did not plan to be part of another platform: my heart remains attached to CraftArtEdu. So I worked a good part of the summer and…. Now, you can find my classes on my site (those created for CraftArtEdu as well as a new one). I kept the elements that were the strength Read more…

Like roses

I didn’t work much in the studio this summer and when I was there, I was cleaning and sorting. I nevertheless took the time to make this necklace which is an evolution of Elegant Connections: a collaborative project with Sylvie Peraud. I have cut freehand the bead shapes directly in the clay. I liked to let myself be guided without knowing the result. I also like the contrast between the curves of the beads and the sharp of the connectors. The novelty is also the polymer clay neck. It is very pleasant to wear. How Read more…

Twist Jewlery workshop in France

The ” Twist Jewelry” workshop is finally scheduled. It will take place in France, Rhône-Alpes region,  (about 30 km from Lyon) The interest of this workshop is to learn how to make threaded rods in polymer clay . Students will use them to create colorful and original jewelry that can varied and can evolved. Added to this technique, the students will also discover and experiment a colored and playful surface treatments. They will mix the engraving on raw clay as well as on baked clay. The workshop will end with a matt finish on some pieces Read more…

Twist Jewelry

About a year ago, I showed you earrings and brooches with reversible parts : They just had to be turned. It’s time to show a little more! The secret: threaded rods in polymer clay. Currently I’m preparing a workshop project on this jewelry.